Anti-Harassment & Title IX Policy

The District’s Title IX Coordinators are:

Kate Jordan
Principal, Reid Elementary 
7502 Seneca St, Goodrich, MI 48438
[email protected]


Travis McDowell
Principal, Goodrich High School
8029 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438
[email protected]


District Policies Related to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault
{for full policy text, please refer to the District By-Laws and Policies, linked on the left}

Policy 5517 –Anti-Harassment

Please be advised that it is the policy of the Board of Education to maintain an education and work environment that is free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. This commitment applies to all School District operations, programs, and activities. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful harassment. This policy applies to unlawful conduct occurring on school property, or at another location if such conduct occurs during an activity sponsored by the Board.

The policies prohibit adverse action against a person for reporting sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Policy 2260—Nondiscrimination and access to equal educational opportunity

The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity), disability, age (except as authorized by law), religion, military status, ancestry, or genetic information (collectively, "Protected Classes") in its educational programs or activities.

The Board also does not discriminate on the basis of Protected Classes in its employment policies and practic-es as they relate to students and does not tolerate harassment of any kind.

Equal educational opportunities shall be available to all students, without regard to the Protected Classes, age (unless age is a factor necessary to the normal operation or the achievement of any legitimate objective of the program/activity), place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic back-ground to learn through the curriculum offered in this District. Educational programs shall be designed to meet the varying needs of all students.

Our Title IX Coordinators are responsible for overall Title IX compliance, including oversight of District centralized review, investigation, and resolution process for matters arising under the Anti-Harassment Policy of Goodrich Area Schools. If you believe that you are a victim of any form of harassment, you may file a complaint with either of our Title IX coordinators listed above.

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